Adviser, Author,
Motivational Speaker
Extensive experience in helping digital and software companies and charities achieve their objectives.
Author of five books; ‘Positive Thinking’, ‘The Entrepreneur’s Book’, Changing Course, ‘Inspired Thinking’ and ‘The Creative Thinking Book’.
Speaker focusing on entrepreneurship, positive psychology and changing course in either business or personally.
Latest drop ‘The Entrepreneur’s Book’ in Paperback!
It is in your DNA, nature and soul. Everyone is creative. But, here’s the rub: most people fail to achieve their creative potential. That’s important, because all the evidence shows that creativity and inventiveness are crucial for personal well-being, happiness and success. In Neil Francis’s groundbreaking book, he looks at the key inhibitors to achieving our full creative potential — education, work, ‘stuff,’ news, concrete, stereotypes, technology and TV. The book explores why these hindrances block our creativity, and shows how we can clear the blockage.
“The Entrepreneur’s Book is refreshing, stimulating, thought-provoking and enjoyable guide to the changing face of entrepreneurship in the 21st century.”
Professor Richard T Harrison
Chair of Entrepreneurship and Innovation and Director of the Compassionate Leadership Initiative, University of Edinburgh Business School.